Network Manager

An example: the Network Manager

Advantage to the customer

Our Network Manager connects Deutsche Telekom to its customers, and the customers to the internet – quickly, easily and conveniently. There is no time-consuming router setup, no cumbersome network configuration, no quest for network connections and no complicated file release process for shares. The Network Manager fulfils all these tasks and is therefore the ultimate in refinement with regard to automatic installation and configuration of routers and internet access.

Step by step

Inexperienced users hit the ground running

The Network Manager does all the work for inexperienced users and guides them through the networking process, step by step. The user will be able simply to connect a computer or any other device to the internet – via cable, wireless LAN or hotspot. Just leave it to the Network Manager …

A technician you can simply download

Just one click, consider it done

Hiring a technician to configure a device's internet access is a costly business. Our Network Manager comes free of charge and does the job just as well. It will set up a fully functional wireless connection, efficiently establish a connection with the next available hotspot (wherever you are), or analyse and repair a connection – all at a single click of the mouse. And it won't even supply unwanted “good advice” or talk back to you. On the contrary, it's self-explanatory and easy.


– The Network Manager's features:

  • a clearly presented list of connections and networks
  • "my filesystem" share permissions
  • network filesystem share permissions
  • comprehensive router configuration
  • hotspot
  • security analysis and troubleshooting
  • integrated system analysis


– The Network Manager's advantages:

  • clearly laid out graphical user interface
  • very easy to use
  • graphics changes and additional features are easy to implement
  • a version for Apple Mac OS X is in the making

Tried and tested

– The Network Manager in everyday use

  • quality is validated by millions of installations
  • because it is a service tool it plays an active part in troubleshooting and preventing service costs